Interview with Axel Prada, from Bridge Mills Galway Language Centre: “Study abroad, It widens your understanding of the world and helps you grow as an individual”



Why would a student choose your school?

A student will choose to study with us if they are looking to study English in a vibrant city and learn more about Irish culture and traditions. Our school is a accredited by multiple Quality Assurance associations (EAQUALS, QE, MEI, ALTO, Cambridge, QQI) to rest assured that our teaching methodology and social activities have been designed with the student needs in mind to enhance their language journey further. We promise to provide the best service to guarantee that once they finish a course with us, their English language skillss have improved while also they would have made friends and memories that would last for a lifetime.

In your opinion, what are the main benefits for a student to study abroad?

Choosing to study abroad offer students the oppotunity of a lifetime. Being initially from Venzuela, I have learned first hand that studying abroad opens the doors to oppotunities and experiences you might never experience by studying English in your gome country. You will be meeting people from around the world and exploring a culture that migth be completely different from yours. It widens your understanding of the world and helps you grow as an individual. Furthermore, taking the courage to study abroad helps you understand much more about yourself, who you are and who you would like to be as a person, as it takes courage and dedication to leave your comfort zone to go to a place where everything is new. You will have to put yourself out there to make new connections and memories while working towards a better future and job prospects for yourself.

How do you see the future of language tourism?

We expect that the future of language tourism is bright. In a evermore interconnected countries, societies and people os expected, students who have lived abroad and experienced what is known as the cultural shock first hand will give studentsa greater value when applying for jobs and positions where international cooperation os expected. Futhermore, having this type of life experience can enhance the value og unity in a world that currently can feel divisive and disjointed, Studying abroad helps us see that even if we don´t share a common language and culture, we ultimately experience the same feelings. We desire similar thing in life: stability, growth, safety, education and meaningful connections.

What types of courses do you think will be most in demand in the future?

We expect that general English courses that develop the students´verbel and written communication skills will be in great demand. However, as the English level of non-native speakers worldwide increases on average, we also think that courses such as Cambridge exam preparation and ITELS exam preparation will be getting greater demand. It will allow students to get a certificate to prove their English sufficiency and further imporve their confidence in their language skills.


Name of School

Bridge Mills Galway Language Centre


Ireland/ Galway city

The most significant things the school can offer

One of the unique feature of Bridge Mills Galway Language Centre is its location in The Bridge Mills, and 18th century mill situated on the River Corrib in the centre of Galway. From the school windows there is a superb view of the river below with its colonies of swns and wild birds, and in the distance, Galway Bay and the hills of Co Clare.

We are especially proud of our teachers who are chosen for their experience in English language teaching and their knowledge of other cultures and languages. All hols universuty degrees and have post-gradute qualification and overseas teaching experience.

Types of courses taught at school

We offer both short-term and long-term courses in General English, Business English, Cambridge and IELTS examination preparation and specialist options such as teacher refresher courses and CLIL courses suitable for ERASMUS applications.

Courses are organised in 45-minute lessons in groups of no more than 12 students (PM classes 15), and can be booked to start any Monday in the year for two weeks or more.

Attractions around the school and in the city in general

As an adult school, we know that many of our students like to organise their own leisure time, but we also recognise the need for a social programme of cultural and recreational activities to enrich the student´s time in Galway and at the school. We try always to have 3-4 cultural or social events for our students each week, either free or charged at cost.

These include:

  • Traditional music pub evenings
  • Full-day excursion each week
  • City history walks
  • Talks in Irish history & culture
  • Seasonal parties
  • Pronunciation workshops
  • Movie night
  • Social night

Visits can be made to the acclaimed Druid Theatre, the Town Hall Theatre, the year-round concert series of Music for Galway Film Society, Thoor Ballyee (castle home of the poet W.B. Yeats). Numerous music, film, arts and streets festivals are a part og Galway life. The most famous of these are the international literay festival, Cúrt, in April; the Galway Film Festival and the Galway Art Festival, both in July.