10 tricks to improve your English pronunciation

trucos para mejorar tu pronunciación en inglés


Without a doubt, English remains the language of business and academies. Despite the positioning of other languages in these fields, English professing is essential for working doors to be opened and opportunities for access to training, tourism or leisure programmes to be expanded. Learning it takes effort and that’s why in this article we help you with some tips for improve pronunciation inEnglish.


1- Tips for pronouncing vowels to speak better in English

An American English teacher, who teaches in South America, says that several of her Hispanic colleagues have impeccable grammar handling, but that she finds it hard to understand them 100 percent. For her, the problem lies in the pronunciation of vowels.

In English there are 12 maelical sounds,, so confusion is not expected among beginners. What we recommend doing is removing the vowel(s) from the weak syllables of a word. Before, it is imperative that you learn to distinguish strong syllables from weak syllables.

For example, the word prison

, we instantly pronounce it as it sounds: /pri son/, when /pré-sn/ is appropriate. Notice that at the end of the syll record that has no accent, that is, the weak one, the vowel has been removed, in this case the letter o.

Here’s another example: today

. We pronounce it /tu-dei/ and it should actually sound /te – dei/.

Remember that, always, the vowel you remove from the accented syllroom sounds like a weak, loose “e” that almost doesn’t want to sound. In the end, with some practice, you’ll be able to speak better in English..


2- Put your ear on!

As Grandma said, “Put your ear on and listen!” Nothing better than starting to challenge yourself and put into practice the exercise of listening. Watch TV shows in English. Put your favorite movie in the original language and come on, remove the subtitles!

The exercise is completed when you pronounce the words as you heard. Don’t worry if you don’t understand them in Spanish. At the same time as you exercise your brain, it will associate them and create the respective meanings. With patience, the day will come when you will be able to interpret the idea, without the help of your translator.


3- Listening and reading at the same time are also tricks to improve your pronunciation in English

If you have a little trouble with the previous exercise, we suggest you put subtitles, in English,to your favorite series. Read them as you listen to the dialogues. You will see that little by little you will get used to your neurons getting acquainted with codes other than your native Spanish and the pronunciation will result in a satisfactory experience.


4- Use your mobile phone

We all have a phone with the ability to record audio. What do you expect to record yourself while you read the text of your favorite Bon Jovi song? Then you let it ring and you’ll realize where you’re failing.

If you find it boring or heavy, we suggest singing karaoke. Believe us, it’s one of the most effective and fun exercises to learn. If you still weigh going to one, simply download the lyrics of your favorite English song, learn it and sing it in your inspirational time. It really works!


5- More fun between two

In this information age, you’ll find it easy to connect with foreigners who want to learn Spanish in exchange for teaching you English. Try! An exit to the park while teaching local idioms to refer to everyday situations can be more productive when you learn its Anglo-Saxon equivalent.


6- Talk to your mirror

Recite a poem or song. Read a press article or a few paragraphs of your favorite Stephen King novel in front of the mirror. Observe the movements of your lips, the position of your tongue and diction. Then compare to the mouth movements made by the actors of your usual series,or to those of your Anglo-Saxon friend. Your brain will associate these movements with certain sounds, and these will be stored in your memory in the long run, if you are constant.


7- The dilemma of the “o”

The “o” in English is pronounced as a “a“. That rule will get you out of trouble. If you have a question, remember that rock

is said /rack/, or what color

/ca-lr/ is sung.

Remember that the “o”, when it goes in the accented syllroom, is called “a”. In monosyllables or at the end, it is pronounced as a “u” /do

/es /du/; /todo

/ equals saying /tu-du/.


8- Words that confuse

There are words that vary in their writing, but almost resemble their pronunciation,except for slight sounds. Here are some examples:


/ vs.




/ vs.




/ vs.




/ vs.



You can find a complete listing on Google by putting“minimal pairs”.This is another. trick to improve your Englishpronunciation.


9- Read and read, but out loud

Reading is proven to exercise neurons and therefore make you less vulnerable to Alzheimer’s. But also enrich your vocabulary exponentially. Reading aloud, in English, will not only increase your lexicon, but you’ll win fluently. Just a few minutes a day.


10- Lose the fear of speaking English

Don’t be afraid of the right pronunciation. Remember that speaking fluently and having a good vocabulary with proper pronunciation are skills that enhance individual abilities. Learning a language is facilitated by social interaction. You learn by talking.

From Ynsitu we promote these learning spaces, with effective methodologies, through various language studies programs in different destinations. We want to offer a unique and guaranteed learning experience.

The educational experience is enhanced by interaction with other students from all over the world. English
programs for studying and working abroad are
also an opportunity to establish contacts.

Finally, we hope you can use these tips to improve your spoken English. Remember that improving english pronunciation is just a matter of practice!


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