Reasons your child should study a language abroad

razones hijos estudiar extranjero

It is not the same to learn the theory of a language and study its vocabulary in a textbook in your country, than to go to study a language abroad. Although the two methods can help improve language skills, there is no possible comparison between the success levels of both alternatives. To make your child’s training optimal, there’s no better investment than sending him to study for a while abroad.

At the job level alone, approximately 90% of job offers are required to master a language to be able to access the position. A domain that can only be achieved with an experience outside our borders.

Here are the top 7 reasons why your child should study a language abroad:

1- Accelerate your learning by diving 100% into the language

Everything around you will be in the language you are trying to learn, there is no chance of escaping! You will watch local TV series and shows, relate and social life in that language, ask for food in restaurants, everyday situations of daily life… and that will make every interaction you have with local culture improve your vocabulary and language understanding.

2- You will learn colloquialismos and phrase that do not appear in the books

Textbooks and classes do not show the street language or vocabulary that is actually used in everyday walking situations. The only way to learn all this is to be immersed in them, that is, traveling to that country.

3- Live the experience of your life

Not only will you learn a language, but you will work for yourself in a new country and culture. Say hello to people, go to the store to buy, make friends.. a life experience that will not only improve your language skills, but also grow you as a person.

4- You will be at a higher level when looking for work

Just having an experience abroad on your resume will highlight your child’s resume above the rest. Not only because of his foreseeable good language skills, but because of the proactivity and initiative of being able to go abroad to study, something not everyone is willing or dare to do.

5- Discover new passions

By being in touch with a whole new environment, you will find new ambitions, new concerns, new forms of entertainment that will make you a more complete person.

6- Special Dads: You will learn to eat everything!

And he’s just going to have no choice. From the experience of the one who writes this post, when you travel abroad you have to adapt, and that includes the culinary theme. He’s going to try new things, and don’t worry, because he’s going to like it! He’ll come with a much wider range of tastes than he left.


7- You will feel happy and remember it all your life

An experience abroad does not end when the trip ends, but accompanies you throughout your life. Memories, everything learned, all the friendships harvested… They’re going to go with him for the rest of his existence, and as we’ve said before, it’s going to strengthen him and make him grow as a person, while he enjoys, has fun and learns.


From Ynsitu we can offer you a wide range of language courses so that your child can choose the one he likes the most and adapts to what he wants. We are the passport to the best experience of your life. Trust us!


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