Top tips on language course

There are a lot of things you need to take into account before starting your language course abroad. Here are some top tips from Ynsitu that will serve you well  before, during and after doing your language course.


Take into account that what you do before your trip should be related to what you´ll do during and after.

Reflect on your interests, likes and needs and take decisions accordingly. Consider all you need to do before you travel so that your trip turns out not only as you would hope but surpassing all your expectations.

No one knows you better than yourself, think of the things you might need for your journey and pack them. However at the same time take into consideration your own comfort while traveling. Try to travel light taking only what you deem as essential. What is truly important doesn´t depend on what you bring but what you will find in the country you have decided to take your language course?



Take advantage of all the opportunities that arise, don´t miss a second of entertainment. If, during your stay in your selected country, you have the chance to experience the local nightlife with your new friends, do it, go out and have fun! However don´t let this interfere with your language course.

Know your limits don´t let going out affect your ability to get up the next day for classes.  A healthy balance will lead you to getting to know new people whilst learning and improving on your language of choice and having a truly unforgettable experience.



Consolidate your experiences and their benefits. Once you have finished your trip and it´s time to go home, stay in contact with the people you have made friends with during the course. Carry on practicing the language that you’ve learnt so that you can keep alive the amazing experience you have had thanks to Ynsitu.

But above all ENJOY.

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